Treatable Conditions
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) treats dozens of medical conditions and is used to improve athletic performance and by many patients for anti-aging benefits.

Air and gas embolism
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is the definitive treatment for decompression sickness (DCS) and air or gas embolisms, conditions often seen in divers and individuals exposed to rapid changes in pressure.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is emerging as a potential adjunctive treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), leveraging its anti-inflammatory and tissue regenerative properties.

We have treated dozens of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) over the last 26 years. Though research on HBOT for ASD is mixed, we have most frequently seen significant improvement in the quality of life for children with ASD and their families in our clinic.

What if instead of trying to look younger, you grew more collagen to repair aging skin?

Avascular Necrosis
Studies of HBOT for AVN show a decrease in pain, increased movement, and the prevention of joint collapse with early intervention.

Acute ischemia
Acute ischemia occurs when blood flow is suddenly reduced or blocked, depriving tissues of oxygen and nutrients, which can cause serious damage. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) boosts oxygen levels in the blood, helping to reduce tissue damage, promote healing, and improve recovery.


Bone infection (Osteomyelitis)
The FDA, AMA, and Medicare support the use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) to help heal chronic refractory osteomyelitis, and numerous private insurance companies also cover the condition. Our physician partners refer patients to HBOT as an adjunct to antibiotics and surgery.

Breast pain /chest pain & damage caused by radiation
HBOT halts ongoing radiation damage to breast tissues and is used as an adjunct to skin grafting for necrosis of the chest wall after mastectomy.


Cancer (treatment synergy)
HBOT has been shown not to worsen cancer, and it typically mitigates the side effects of chemotherapy, such as “chemo brain.”

Carbon monoxide poisoning and smoke inhalation
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been shown to remove carboxyhemoglobin faster than any other treatment, including oxygen alone.

Central retinal artery occlusion
It is critical that patients receive hyperbaric oxygen within 24 hours of an injury causing CRAO in order to reverse it completely.

Cerebral palsy
HBOT works best for children who develop cerebral palsy due to a brain injury caused by a lack of oxygen.

Crohn’s disease
Studies show that between 78% and 88% of Crohn’s patients who receive hyperbaric oxygen therapy experience significant improvement.

Chronic fatigue syndrome
HBOT decreases the severity of symptoms and increases the quality of life for CFS patients.

Chronic pain
We have seen numerous cases of chronic pain from dozens of underlying conditions resolved.

Compartment syndrome
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy re-oxygenates ischemic tissues, decreases this pressure, and speeds healing of tissues that were damaged.

Complex regional pain syndrome
After HBOT, patients’ VAFS, FSS, and FQLSHBOT scores are found to improve. HBOT decreases symptom severity and increases life quality.

Compromised and failing grafts and flaps
Numerous studies conducted over the last twenty years show that hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) supports the healing of failing or compromised grafts and flaps, even those with underlying complications, such as radiation injuries, tissue or bone infection, and diabetes.

Concussion / TBI / Anoxic Brain Injury
Physicians increasingly refer HBOT for patients with TBI and anoxic brain injury because studies with brain imaging show angiogenesis and neuroplasticity.

Crush injuries and acute ischemias
HBOT is approved by Medicare and reimbursed by a number of private insurance companies for crush injuries.


HBOT helps the brain regenerate, most frequently reducing symptoms of dementia.

Decompression sickness
Hyperbarics is the primary medical treatment for resolving decompression sickness caused by air and gas embolisms in the body. Oxygen under pressure dissolves bubbles in the bloodstream, allowing them to be safely reabsorbed by the body.

Depression caused by brain injury can be healed with hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Diabetic wounds
Medicare approves Hyperbarics to Treat Diabetic Wounds and Foot Ulcers. Studies show that hyperbaric oxygen therapy decreases the requirement for amputations by over 50% and decreases morbidity.


Erectile dysfunction and insufficiency
Erectile dysfunction (ED) becomes one of the most common and challenging conditions that Urologists contend with in working with male patients today. ED can be a marker for cardiovascular disease, given that it is most frequently caused by microvascular or macrovascular insufficiency. Treatments today typically range from medication to surgery.


Many FMS patients show brain scan lesions. Studies show that HBOT heals these lesions, leading to dramatic increases in brain function.

Fetal alcohol syndrome
Patients with FASD show an improvement in verbal memory, impulse control, and reaction time composites from HBOT.

Studies show that HBOT kills bacterial agents that cause pulmonary fibrosis and helps heal radiation-induced fibrosis.

Failing Grafts and Flaps
Numerous studies conducted over the last twenty years show that hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) supports the healing of failing or compromised grafts and flaps, even those with underlying complications, such as radiation injuries, tissue or bone infection, and diabetes.


Gangrene / Gas Gangrene
HBOT oxygenates hypoxic tissues, which can prevent amputation and heal gangrene.


Many providers refer patients to HBOT to reduce the incidence and severity of headaches. Migraines at times resolve in just one treatment.


Intracranial Abscess
A number of studies have shown that HBOT as an adjunct to antibiotics, heals intracranial abscesses at a much higher rate.

Interstitial cystitis
HBOT decreases pelvic pain and urgency, improves voiding patterns, and increases functional bladder capacity.

Inflammatory bowel disease
In recent studies, 78% of patients with Crohn’s disease improved with HBOT, and 100% with ulcerative colitis were healed.


Lyme Disease
HBOT kills the spirochetes believed to cause Lyme disease. It also kills bacteria and heals damage done by bacteria.


Migraine Headaches
HBOT often resolves migraines in one treatment, whereas patients with intervening neurological problems can require additional intervention.

Multiple sclerosis
While hyperbarics does not cure MS, our patients find that regular HBOT helps them manage their symptoms. Give us a call.


Non-healing wounds
Healthcare providers recommend patients to Hyperbarics to heal non-healing wounds more than any other medical condition.

Necrotizing soft tissue infections
Studies show that the introduction of oxygen-under-pressure often reverses and heals necrotizing infections.


Osteomyelitis (bone infections)
HBOT increases the cure rate for refractory osteomyelitis to 86% when used as an adjunct to other treatments such as antibiotics.


HBOT improves survival, reduces overall severity, and decreases the extent of necrosis, in severe pancreatitis.

Parkinson’s disease
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy decreases neuroinflammation, promotes neurogenesis, and improves mitochondrial biogenesis.

Problem wounds
HBOT increases neovascularization by angiogenesis and vasculogenesis, is bactericidal, and improves post-ischemic tissue survival.


Radiation damage to the abdomen and pelvis
Research and our own experience shows that hyperbarics most often reverses the effects of radiation damage to the abdomen and pelvis.

Radiation damage to the bladder
Medicare, the AMA, and the FDA support HBOT as a proven treatment for Hemorrhagic Cystitis, and 76% of patients show significant resolution of their HRC after HBOT.

Radiation damage to the breast
HBOT halts ongoing radiation damage to breast tissues. It stimulates angiogenesis in hypoxic tissue, correcting ischemias after mastectomies.

Radiation Damage to mouth, neck, and head
The FDA and Medicare approve the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy to treat osteoradionecrosis, and the evidence shows that HBOT helps heal an overwhelming percentage of patients who have osteoradionecrosis.

Radiation damage to other bones and tissues
Radiation damage to bones and tissues can be healed by hyperbarics, which super-oxygenates tissues to build new blood vessels and tissue.

Radiation proctitis
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has shown to be beneficial in the standard of care in treating radiation proctitis. It also helps heal radiation cystitis and radionecrosis.

Retinitis pigmentosa
HBOT can help stabilize patients’ visual acuity, visual field, and ERG responses.


Sudden Deafness
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) increases blood flow and transports more oxygen through the plasma to the inner ear and nerve cells, thus reducing hypoxia. HBOT has been shown to reduce inflammation and promote stem cell growth and mobilization.

Sports Injuries/ Athletic Recovery
Professional athletes and the fitness-minded are turning to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to help improve their sports performance and to achieve a rapid recovery from surgeries and injuries.

55% of stroke participants experience significant improvement after HBOT, while 72% have at least a mild improvement.

Severe anemia
Leading research shows consistent positive results for HBOT as a treatment for severe anemia.
HBOT delivers oxygen to marginal, ischemic wounds and accelerates wound healing.

Spinal cord injuries
HBOT decreases apoptosis (cell death), reduces spinal inflammation, and increases cellular regrowth in the central nervous system.


Thermal Burns
Tissues surrounding burns often become hypoxic. Hyperbarics oxygenates both burned and surrounding tissue, so viable tissue can heal.


Ulcerative colitis
In 6 studies on the use of HBOT on ulcerative colitis, 100% of patients showed improvement.